Very large outer carrying case

Stock No. P079

Continental, c1850

Very large silver plated outer case, 103 mm.


Outer diameter 103 mm.
Inner bezel diameter 97 mm.
Inner depth to bezel 30 mm.
Total inner depth 60 mm.
Total outer depth 65 mm.

The large watch case is silver plated with velvet and leather linings.
The metal work is heavily decorated with the coat of arms of Chile to the centre of the front and back. The front crest is surrounded by six panels showing medieval soldiers. The back panels are plain with diamond shaped piercings.

The metal is in good condition, with just a little wear to the back crest, with the base metal showing through.

The large square hinge is fine and the case holds shut nicely.

The lining is of brown leather with velvet behind, showing through the piercings of the case. The outer bright green velvet layer is new, but the original faded green velvet layer remains beneath that.

The case may have been made as a fourth carrying case for a triple cased watch, or for a large carriage watch.

This coat of arms of Chile was introduced in 1834.